PLAY Podcast 052 – Gary Holldman

Gary Holldman – vlastným menom Szymon – je poľský producent, DJ a spoluzakladateľ International Day Off Records, ktorý je na scéne aktuálne už viac ako desať rokov. Jeho prvý vinyl vyšiel v roku 2010 na labeloch ako Relax2000, Ware Records. V roku 2015 spolu s priateľmi založil dynamicky fungujúci label International Day Off (spolupracujúci s umelcami ako Jacek Sienkiewicz, Michal Wolski, Sebastian Mullaert), ktorý sa špecializuje na zvukové polohy na pomedzí minimalu a techna. Od roku 2017 pravidelne vydáva na International Day Off a iných vydavateľstvách. Jeho hudbu prezentovali a recenzovali časopisy ako Mixmag, XLR8R, Magnetic Magazine, Decode Magazin a jeho track si získal podporu od umelcov ako Sven Väth, Âme či Kangding Ray. Ak chcete Szymona počuť naživo, navštívte klub Tama v Poznani, kde je rezidentomm, ale môžte ho počuť aj v iných zaujímavých kluboch. Z času na čas na neho môžete naraziť v niektorom svetovom hlavnom meste ako napríklad Paríž, Tel Aviv alebo Bangkok.
EN: 🇬🇧
Gary Holldman – private Szymon – is Polish producer, DJ, co-founder of International Day Off Records, who has been on a scene over a decade. His first vinyl was released in 2010 on labels like Relax2000, Ware Records. In 2015, together with friends they founded dynamic working International Day Off label (cooperating with artists like Jacek Sienkiewicz, Michal Wolski, Sebastian Mullaert), which specializes in sound spaces from the borderline of the minimal and techno. Since 2017, he has regularly released on International Day Off and other labels. His music has been presented and reviewed by magazines such as Mixmag, XLR8R, Magnetic Magazine, Decode Magazin and his track gained support of artists such as Sven Väth, Âme or Kangding Ray. If you wish to hear Szymon live, visit Tama Club in Poznan, where he is resident, but you can hear him in other interesting clubs as well. From time to time you can meet him in some worldwide capital such as Paris, Tel Aviv or Bangkok.